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Qigong as a therapy exercise is over 3000 years old; as shown on unearthed ancient paintings and pottery depicting the Qigong movements.

Origins researched among famous Chinese medicine contributors over these decades have proven its efficacy among thousands of practitioners and players living in China and the world to date.

Qigong as therapy is similar to Acupuncture treatment; as both utilise the same theoretical knowledge and philosophy to acquire 360 health and wellness.

There are Two ways of practicing Qi Gong 

Dong Gong is an active technique. It involves movements relating to acupuncture points and channels, and strengthens the internal organs.  This is also found in the practice of Tai Chi  Quan but in Tai Chi  one has to sink the Qi into the lower Dantian as well.

Jing Qi Gong is a passive technique like Yin and Yang. It consists of any kind of meditation – sitting, lying or standing – which helps us to cultivate energy and store the Qi in the DanTian. It works on the internal body and clears the mind (to gain calmness and clarity )


The 6 Healing Sounds are to clear toxins and restore the health within the organs; this is done with each inhalation and exhalation. Each sound resonates with a specific organ to amplify the health of this organ.

The Six Healing Sounds or Liu Zi Jue (六字訣) is one of the common forms of Chinese qigong, and involves the coordination of movement and breathing patterns with specific sounds.

The Six Healing Sounds breathing exercise is a very old traditional exercise dating back to the Taoist Monks in 200 BC. Each sound is associated with a particular body organ and the vibrations made from that sound stimulate the organ’s function. By doing our online course you are able to explore these benefits

This exercise is a simple yet powerful tool to promote energy levels, physical and emotional healing, and balance. Regular daily practice of the Six Healing Sounds will help you with chronic diseases, blood and Qi circulation, improving cardiovascular and respiratory function, and improving reaction times.

It is a very flexible exercise as you can practice all six sounds in order or only practice specific sounds to treat specific conditions in the body.

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