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Posts tagged ‘solitude’




The word itself does not fully delve into the depth of feeling alone even amidst a crowd of people.

It is not about being lonely.

It s about your heart breaking right open in the middle of a conversation and reminding you of something someone said or something you have read and the total intense pain that cuts right through you heart and into your chest.

Leaving you vulnerable and exposed to no one but you and your own sorrow that you cannot share with anyone.

For each singular person there is only one of a kind, no copies are made in the original cosmic creation of becoming human and have form.

 It s the singular moment of an experience that no one has shared and no one will.

For even if we walk together in this life there is an aloneness in each of us.

Some of us get to face that every day and some of us get a glimpse every now and then when there is no one around for days.

And for some of us solitude is a way of life. 

~ Francisca al-Halaseh


Body of Water

And so I  stay silent. You would have thought that   have something to say to those that could listen

But do not understand Or do not care what is feels like  in this silence.

This solitude

There is an emptiness, a strange punch in the stomach like feeling.

A loneliness-that pervades every cell like a mist that creeps up  unexpectedly on a gray cloudy day.

You never saw it coming until it enfolds you.

Alone. You  see nothing.

Pause  Silence Waiting No directions

No explanations until  you realize that the only way out is in

Then-you breathe and know that this too shall pass

Yet for now Silence is the only answer


~ Francisca al-Halaseh




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