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The Eventmany of us have heard of this moment. This occurrence is said to represent very rapid and profound changes in human and planetary evolution, and to mark a dynamic, multidimensional transition within our galaxy as a whole.

We have heard this ascension event prophesied and predicted from sources dating back from decades to millennia.  Here in modern times, we have been given general detail about this monumental moment, but what is it, and why has it been predicted to happen by so many various sources?  These are common questions among many, and their answers have been given in short.  Let’s get down to the details.

Many of us have waiting patiently for years for this momentous occasion, working tirelessly to awaken those around us to the present, global situation, and the possibilities which await us after the shift takes place.  Many of us have worked toward these ends.  However, one of the most important and effective means of the creating this event (as well as any) is the ability to visualize it, and to picture it as such a strong possibility that if it were to take place 5, 10, of 20 minutes from now, we would not at all be surprised.  It is my goal within this article to help all of us to visualize and to prepare for this moment when humanity comes into its new existence.

The 7 Key Steps of Manifestation

It is my goal to answer the above questions and to fill in the holes which many of us have as to possible occurrences on the day of the Event.  This article combines previously disclosed intelligence, scientific knowledge from both the mainstream and alternative sources, and combines each of these to form possible scenarios of how the Event will progress for each of us.

Laying Down the Foundation

Imagine for a moment, waking up and starting your morning ritual.  You get out of bed, start your routine, and prepare for the day just like normal.  Only today, something is different.  The energy has changed.  The air isn’t quite the same.  You realize that you are able to feel your feet on the floor like never before.  When you take a breath, you now feel the act as some multi-dimensional experience.  You actually feel life coming into your body as you inhale, and expanding outward into the universe as you exhale.

You take a step forward, and realize that you can now feel the Earth responding to your movements, acting to energetically support each step that you take.  When you eat, you can feel the partnership between your body and your food becoming one, and participating in the universal dance of life. 

As you look at the bathroom walls, at your breakfast, and out your window, you realize that light itself seems brighter, the colors more vibrant, and your visual experience more detailed than ever before.  You may pick up your glasses to put them on, only to realize that your vision is perfect, and that your glasses only make the world look blurry.  At that moment, the reality of a change dawns on you.  You look around to realize that this is not the house you’re used to, yet everything is somehow familiar.  At that moment, you have to remind yourself to put on shoes before you rush outside and gaze into the new, dreamscape of a sky that is now above a new Earth.

So what happened?  What took place after you went to bed last night?  Why do you feel so much more alive?  Why does today seem so much different than any other day when all you did was get out of bed, take a shower, and eat some Cocoa Puffs?

This is just one scenario which could take place on the day of our long-awaited ascension. This planetary, solar-systemic, and galactic occurrence is to affect everything about life as we know it to be.  As the ancient prophecies describe, nothing will be the same afterward.  …But what is thisEvent?  What has such an ability to make such a profound change within our lives on such a broad scale?  In short, it all comes down to energy.

Both in conventional and in alternative science, the constant of energy is elementary. Energy is everywhere and exists within everything. Systems of higher energy pass to systems of lower energy, and this energy is gradually propagated throughout the universe in all directions. This is fundamental. So when we look at our galaxy, we see this concept taking form within all matter and within all microcosmic and macrocosmic interactions. However, this is only the mainstream, scientific explanation of the concept. When we look at the alternative side of science, we become aware of the dimension of consciousness.
It could be suggested that all of the order, all of the energetic interactions within our universe, and every action which creates the perfect and harmonious dance of the cosmos can all be explain with one simple concept. This is the concept of consciousness. It may very well be that the reason everything from the quantum wave/particle to the galactic supercluster functions in perfect unison is because at some level, all things are connected to the same consciousness.
This consciousness affects both life and non-living material.  According to the Law of One text, both living and non-living material are the same at a foundational level.  Both are a part of the universal design, and both have potential for housing higher levels of consciousness.  It is each of these (matter, life, energy, and consciousness) which the Event is likely to change to new and higher states.

Law of One – The Nature of First Density

There is much to discuss on this matter of consciousness, and how all consciousness within the universe has cooperated, and progressed to this stage on planet Earth–just before this long-awaited moment takes place.  However, before we get to that, let’s define this event a bit further.  For more detail on the subject, we turn to Dr. Michael Salla, and his website Exopilitics.com.

In the fifth instalment of the Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV series, whistleblower Corey Goode reveals how secret space programs he worked with from 1987-2007 had become aware of regions of the galaxy with “superwaves” that would eventually be encountered by our solar system. It was discovered that the superwaves were made up of clouds of “vibrating energy particles” that would impact the sun, earth and humanity in ways leading to profound changes. Human consciousness itself would be directly impacted and would lead either to our rapid evolution into an advanced global society, or global self-destruction as apparently had happened in the past.
Goode says that in the late 1980’s giant spheres first began appearing in our solar system that were also interested in the superwave phenomenon. These spheres remained in an observational mode until 2011 when they became operational. The spheres ranged in size from the diameter of the moon to that of Jupiter. They were strategically placed to act as “resonance buffers” of galactic superwaves so the sun, and humanity, would not be overwhelmed as our solar system progressively entered into the affected region of the galaxy.
Goode’s revelation that galactic superwaves were secretly discovered and studied is stunning confirmation for the work of astrophysicist Dr Paul LaViolette who has predicted galactic superwaves eventually impacting our solar system. In his 2006 book Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Dr LaViolette describes pulsars strategically placed in the galaxy that transmitted warnings about these superwaves that are generated out of the galactic core in cycles spanning from 10,000 to 16,000 years. LaViolette speculates that these pulsars were built by a very advanced Type III extraterrestrial civilization – one that understood how galactic superwaves operated, and their potential impact on solar systems and worlds…
This suggests that we will very soon be experiencing the full force of these superwaves that will bring out the best or worst in all humanity depending on how well prepared we are. This new episode will help the viewer appreciate the importance of taking firm steps to prepare for superwave related events that secret space programs have themselves been silently preparing for over several decades now.

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